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In the design of namedInputs and agent response data, we define the template data types.

array and the data(item)

  array: [],
  item: "a",
  items: [],


  text: "123",


 data: object


  buffer: Buffer(node buffer or npm buffer)

llm message

Message is the format of data passed to the LLM history.

  message: {
    role: "user",
    content: "123"


 file: string(file name)
 dir: string(the dir name/path)
 baseDir: string(base directory name/path)
 path: string(file or dir path)


  type: string,
  inputTtpe: string,
  outputType: string,
  dataType: string,

meaningful parameters

search query / wikipedia or serper

  query: string,
  queries: string[]


  chunks: string[]

Change from inputs: [] array to inputs: {} object (dictionary) 22/sep/2024

The input format has been updated from an inputs: [] array to an inputs: {} object. Please update the inputs configuration for the following agents used in your graph data.

Change inputs: [] array to {} object

  • dataObjectMergeTemplateAgent: {array}
  • totalAgent: {array}
  • dataSumTemplateAgent: {array}
  • sleep: {array}
  • slashGPT: {array}
  • stringEmbeddingsAgent: {array, item}
  • mergeNodeIdAgent: {array}

Change inputs[0] to an object

  • copyAgent: inputs[0] -> object
  • copy2ArrayAgent: inputs[0] -> object

Assign a new name when passing the inputs[] array

  • wikipedia: {query}

Return the object as is

  • bypassAgent: object (returns as is)

Specification Changes

  • jsonParserAgent:
    • Discontinue params.stringify
    • {data} -> stringify
    • {text} -> parse

Released under the MIT License.